Nicht nur am Wochenende, sondern auch unter der Woche sind unsere Angebote und Events eine super Gelegenheit, um neue Bekanntschaften zu knüpfen, Freundschaften zu vertiefen und Kirche und Gott neu zu erleben.

Fun for the whole family! Whether you are an international or not, you are very welcome to join us for this event. After the 11.15 service we’ll drive to one of the nearby lakes to have a picnic, a swim and play outdoor games.

You need:

  • transport or offer transport for people who don’t have a car
  • to bring your own food, drinks, games, swimming gear, SUPs…

Which lake we’ll go to will be announced in the Telegram channel about one week before.
There’s no need to sign up for this event. Depending which lake we’ll go to, there will be an admission fee.

Please join the International Community Channel to receive updates.

Sonntag 14.7. | 11.15 am



Join us for our International Community’s first concert by internationals for internationals, but also for everyone else who would like to join us.
Joe Reeves and his band will play worship songs and a sample of their own music.

There’s no admission fee, but we kindly ask for a donation.

Friday, 25.10. | 7.30pm
ICF Karlsruhe | Eventräume



If you love yummy Indian cuisine, you better sign up quickly for our Indian Curry night.
The food will be cooked by our international community.
Everyone welcome.

There will be a charge of 15€ per person for food and drinks to be paid at the entrance.
Please sign up for this event, as we only have limited space.

Friday, 22.11 | 7.30pm
ICF Karlsruhe | Kinder- und Jugendzentrum
